This way you will never forget to migrate them to new PC. Having data files in your closely watched folder is much better than to have these data files somewhere in Local Settings folder. This way you will have your data files always backed up when you back up your documents. Recommendation: as soon as you start using the app, copy ATNotes data files to your Documents folder and then in Settings, change the paths to point to these new files. E for edit, A for setting alarm, O for toggling Always on top, H for hide, P for print – see help for complete list) there are also fixed command keys available when a note has focus (e.g.
Just make sure you are not overlaying existing Windows shortcuts. you can assign global shortcuts like Ctrl+ Windows+Letter so they won't collide with shortcuts in existing apps.open search dialog to search through all notes.bring all notes on top, then put them back to desktop again.most of actions can be controlled by keyboard.selected notes can be sent to peers through the network.besides the notes, there is also available a month calendar (it shows up to 12 months if its window is stretched).file paths in note text can be recognized and offered to open when a note is right-clicked.nearest alarm is shown when hovering mouse over taskbar tray icon.if needed, alarms can be repeated daily or weekly.alarm can be set to pop-up individual note at given time (including playing custom sound or running desired application).This way you will soon redefine ATNotes as a handy database, not only desktop notes app. It is possible that you find yourself with 200 notes, having 5 most important notes on desktop, all others hidden. notes can be hidden, such notes are visible only in global list (for example reference cards you do not need all the time).there is a global list of all notes available.there is a search available across all notes.notes can be put into folders so you can sort them into groups.deleted notes go to recycle bin so accidentally deleted content can be recovered.